on 9/8/01 4:35 PM, SKID Photography at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Alan Womack wrote:
>> I took a look at the engine, if you don't use descriptive names you won't be
>> indexed in a usable manner.  No on at google is doing to look at
>> image0001.jpg files and decide that was a cake and note it in the index.
> But that (not using descriptive terms) defeats the whole purpose of getting
> one's website listed.  The point here is not that the image is listed, but
> that the Google site says that the images *might* be copyrighted,
> when it should say that they *are* copyrighted (or some such thing).

I did a search for my own images using every combination I could think of
including my name, aliases, domain name etc etc etc and turned up nothing. I
did however see a lot of very good photographs that I wouldn't have found

I say hooray for google.

John Brownlow


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