Thanks Joe,  I was just about to upgrade again.  I'm running dual xeon 450's
with Win2k and NikonScan 3.1.  It crashes and closes NikonScan 3.1 routinely
during full roll prescans and batch scans, forcing me to reopen and continue
scanning where it left off.  I usually get about 15-20 frames scanned and
saved to disk before it crashes.  A bit of a nuisance, but it's the best
solution I've found for batch scanning.

Bob Kehl

----- Original Message -----
From: Enoch's Vision, Inc. (Cary Enoch R...) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, October 05, 2001 4:46 PM
Subject: Re: filmscanners: Nikonscan and dual processors

> At 20:18 05-10-01 -0700, you wrote:
> >Just got this back from Nikon:
> >
> > >"It is known by Nikon that there are problems with Dual Processor PC's,
> >both
> >Windows and Mac.  Although the Product Brochures do not specifically say
> >the 2CPU machines will not work, neither do they say it does.
> That's a bunch of weasel-worded crap. No application states anything like
> >  Dual
> >Processors are good but only for applications that are designed for them
> >like Photoshop.  Ours is not and probably will not be for the foreseeable
> >future.  Best performance with our products is achieved (currently) on
> >single processor P4 machines running lots of RDRAM"<
> Excuse me? Nikon is implying that NS won't work properly on AMD systems or
> P2's. Because only high-end P3 and to-date all P4 machines have RDRAM.
> Perhaps Nikon development doesn't even know what that means.
> >so the forums guesses were right, dual processors and nikonscan dont work
> >very well. (I get one scan in four or so)
> >
> >funny thing is I'm not asking for NS to *utilise* dual processors, just
> >to crash with them.
> In Win2K it's simple to set an application to use just one processor by
> using Task Manager. Right-click on the application name in the process
> and select Processor Affinity. However, I've done this with NS 3.1 and it
> makes no difference whatsoever. All that the message from Nikon tells me
> that they're clueless or that they vaguely suspect that their
> multithreading is less than optimal. They really need to hire professional
> development people instead of those high school interns they're using.
> Perhaps they should make an offer to Ed Hamrick that he can't refuse;-)
> Everyone knows that NS crashes just as readily on a single CPU as it does
> on an SMP system.
> Cary Enoch Reinstein aka Enoch's Vision, Inc., Peach County, Georgia
>, -- "Behind all
> these manifestations is the one radiance, which shines through all things.
> The function of art is to reveal this radiance through the created
> ~Joseph Campbell

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