>Jawed wrote:.........By vitality I don't merely mean 
>contrast/black-point/white-point.  I also
>mean the nature of the tonality of the image.  Something related to the
>question of "gamma" and also the inherent S-shaped response that all films
>have (so far as I know).  So, all the effort I put into obtaining the full
>tonal range in a negative (in the form of a flat scan) is wasted because I
>get distinctly more pleasing images from Nikon Scan.

Have you tried an S correction, stretching the mid-tones of a VueScan scan? This 
definitely will put back the missing "vitality", in my experience. 

I too find that Vuescan gives a flatter looking image than my scanner's own software, 
Canoscan, but by experimenting with the S-correction in Curves, and perhaps increasing 
the black and white clipping, a Vuescan scan can be made to look identical to a 
Canoscan scan, if that is what one wants.  It seems that writers of filmscanner 
software (Nikon and Canon at least) have decided that the "default" scan needs some 
stretching in the mids, and a degree of black and white clipping. That is what we get 
from most commercial D&P stores, going by the prints, so they have gone some way 
towards matching that look.

At least withVuescan, both these factors are under our control.

Colin Maddock

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