I couldn't (and probably didn't) say it better myself ;-)


Rob Geraghty wrote:

> "SKID Photography" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>Are you saying that because inkjet printers employ a schoastic dithering
> pattern to represent pixels that film
>>grain and scan pixels (samples, whatever) are equivalent in regards to the
> amount of information they impart
>>to an inkjet printer?
> I think Art was saying that the relationship between pixels in the file and
> dots on the page isn't clear cut because the dither pattern used by the
> printer driver is random and therefore undoes some of the regularity of the
> pixels.  The print ends up looking smoother than say a monitor image because
> the printer shadings aren't constructed as rectilinear sharp edged objects
> but random spots of colour.
> Rob
> .

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