> Further, the issues he has brought up to question below were asides and
> tangential to the main points I was making in my post which were
> concerning the discussion comparing color dye clouds and capture of
> images digitally, not black and white developing,

I DID talk about color (see below), not B&W exclusively.  I find it funny
that you ignore that fact.  You really believe the size and shape of the
film grain is tangential to the "capture of images digitally"?  How do you
arrive at that conclusion?

> and my principle point
> was that grain was randomly distributed throughout the film emulsion and
> no process allowed for dye clouds to be moved or lined up within the
> emulsion during processing,

I do believe that is common knowledge, and I don't believe anyone disagreed
with that.  My correction to your statement was that development has a LOT
to do with grain size.

>  >>Austin Franklin wrote:
>  >>
>  >>  >>Very simply, grain, or dye clouds are predetermined in
> their location
>  >>  >>and shape and are not relocated by picture content.
>  >>  >>
>  >>  >
>  >>  > What about development?
>  >>  >
>  >>
>  >>Also, some developing techniques can somewhat alter the shape
> or size of
>  >>the dye clouds...
>  >>
>  >
>  > Somewhat?
>  >
>  >
>  >>However, most of this type of thing is done in custom film development
>  >>of black and white film,
>  >>
>  >
>  > You can alter the grain of B&W film by at least two to four times
> simply by
>  > developer choice, dilution, temperature and technique.  It certainly
> isn't
>  > "custom", most anyone who uses B&W has their favorite
>  > developer/dilution/temperature and technique that suits their
>  > needs/style/experimentation.  It is VERY critical when talking
> about film
>  > grain to discuss development AND even exposure (as you mentioned
> push/pull
>  > too)...since the same film can give such drastically different
> results...and
>  > more so even if you are using Zone system compensation development.
>  >
>  >
>  >>because the need to control so many other
>  >>variables within color film development doesn't allow for much playing
>  >>around. Most color film processing is fairly uniform in its method...
>  >>
>  >
>  > Not quite true...see below...
>  >
>  >
>  >>This is why almost all
>  >>color film is souped in one of two basic color chemistry types (C-41 or
>  >>E-6).
>  >>
>  >
>  > There are different E-6 and C-41 processes.  Different chemical AND
> entirely
>  > different developments, as well as techniques.  E6 can be 3 bath or 6
> bath,
>  > and C-41 can be 2 bath or 3 bath.  All of this plays a SIGNIFICANT
> role on
>  > the shape and size of the dye clouds.
>  >
>  > It can be far more significant than you made it out to be.
>  >
>  >
>  >>However, I know of no color development technique that is capable of
>  >>moving film grain or dye clouds within the emulsion so that they can
>  >>line up the grain as a result of the image content. If you do, I'd like
>  >>to here about it.
>  >>
>  >
>  > I don't believe anyone ever suggested that at all...

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