Hi everybody,

sorry for the long-winded subject. My LS-30 has just quit service, very
likely beyond what I'd consider worth while a repair. I have been
planning for another unit anyway, so the point is just that I have to
make up my mind a little earlier than I thought.

The LS-2000 and the LS-40 come into mind as for replacement (I want a
Nikon again, no debate on that issue please ;-)). I would gladly go for
the new LS-40 if there wasn't an issue as follows: My LS-30, when
scanning negatives with Nikon Scan (and no, I don't want a debate on
using Vuescan either :-)), would inexorably produce blown out highlights
if the factory settings were used. The only way out was a well hidden
menu item called "prescan mode" which had to be set to "lo-cont neutral"
instead of "auto" after which the highlights would be perfect. The
problem is that this special menu item is said to have gone in Nikon
Scan 3.x which would be needed for the LS-40, with the problem of blown
highlights being there with no apparent remedy. Any of the LS-40 users
here capable of reporting about that issue? The LS-2000, I understand,
is more expensive, has weaker ICE and less resolution in comparison to
the LS-40, so the highlight thing would most likely be the only
obstacle. Any thoughts?


have a nice Sunday -


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