Both Ed Hamrick and Ken Rockwell say that there is very little noise, users
said the same, why do you worry? Sanning with ICE is always *much* slower
than without, and with the plug-in scan times seem more than reasonable.

I received some informations by Minolta about the Multi Pro today (well,
nothing but shining promises, but what did I expect!) and wait now for 2
persons that will scan me a 6x6 negative with the Polaroid 120 and the
Minolta Pro. If the Polaroid is not visibly better, I go for the Minolta,
its cheaper and has ICE.

Greetings Bernhard

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, December 05, 2001 10:36 AM
Subject: filmscanners: link to Minolta Multi Pro review

> Hi all
> I found an user review for the new
> Minolta multi at :
> Remaining questions for me are CCD noise and scanning time with ICE
> Comments and adds welcome!
> Regards
> Didier

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