Winsor Crosby wrote:

> On other scanners interpolated 
> resolution is 2 or 3 times the optical resolution. It is often said
> that it is a false number and should be ignored.  What is the
> Minolta's optical resolution on medium format?  Is it actually about
> 2000 dpi? Why would one buy a  multi format scanner to get the same
> size file regardless of format. I don't understand.
> --

As I understand it, the Scan Multi Pro's optical resolution for MF film is
3200 ppi. The 4800 ppi rating is just for 35mm.
I've heard this from several different people.  But now that you mention it,
guess I'll have to go back and do a wee bit of research on my own.  ;-)
(I don't know about the U.S. - but if you go to, I
*have* read it clearly stated in the FAQ's that the rez for MF is only

At this point, I've only found one in-depth review; the one at

In the "real world", I've not yet encountered a Scan Multi-Pro owner who had
anything bad to say about the unit.
On the other hand, *my* "real world" encounters with the Nikon 8000ED have
prompted me to order the Scan Multi Pro today.  (returning the 8000ED bright
& early tomorrow A.M.)

Joyfully,  -david soderman- <><


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