Hello Austin.  If it's still available I'll take it.  I set up an E6 in 1996 for a 
small opera company that I help support.  They have the cables & SW (unchanged from 
1996, I think), and use it heavily for music transcriptions and the like.  I'll pay to 
get it here to keep for them as a backup when sooner or later something there breaks.  
Let me know.

Bob Shomler
[the opera organization is <www.pocketopera.org>]

At 04:07 PM 4/7/2002 -0400, you wrote:
>I have a Microtek Scanmaker E6 of unknown status.  It powers up, lights
>appear to do the right thing, and it may work just fine...  It’s not mint,
>but is in pretty good shape, nothing visibly broken.  No transparency
>adapter, no cables, no software, no nuttin...but da scanna.
>I got it with another scanner (that I wanted), and have no use for it.
>Anyone interested, please contact me off list.  You pay shipping charges,
>and it’s yours.  I’d hate to just throw it out.

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