David writes:

> Glad to hear that you're having such great
> results, Anthony!  Wish that I, and others,
> could say the same.  It seems as though the
> Nikon 8000ED is the only one capable of
> delivering good Portra scans without grain/noise.

I suppose it depends on what you consider grain or noise.  Portra 800
certainly shows both when I scan it on my LS-2000, but it _is_ a very
high-speed film, so I'd be surprised if it didn't show this.  Actually, when
I first scanned a roll of Portra 800, I was very impressed by how nicely it
scanned, and by how little noise and grain it showed.  Also, the Portra
films do not seem to have the wild renderings of artificial light sources
that some other films show; while Portra does render them in a way different
from normal visual perception of these sources, as one might expect, the
differences are not that big, and they are easier to correct than with other
films (such as my beloved Provia).

I haven't scanned Portra on the 8000ED yet, but I may be doing some of that
this evening.  We'll see how it comes out.

> May it give you many years of scanning happiness
> and success.

I hope so ... it will take years to amortize!  But the results thus far are

For an example of a recent scan, see


This is a scan of a Velvia 6x6 transparency, ICE set to normal, no GEM or
ROC, no other adjustments, and then tweaked in Photoshop (slight adjustments
to levels).  There is more detail in the shadows than you see in this image,
but I couldn't find a way to drag it out without blowing out the brighter
parts of the image, and Photoshop won't let me do much in the way of
selective masking in 16-bit mode.

If you download the image and open it in Photoshop, it will look better (if
you have monitor compensation turned on), because it is encoded for Adobe
1998 RGB.

The original scan is 40 times larger than this downsampled image.

If you have a Mac, try


This was scanned from a 6x6 Provia 100F transparency, same parameters as
above, but encoded in Apple RGB (looks dark on a PC, but should look correct
on a Mac).  Replace 1600x1024 with 1600x1200 to see a PC version.

For an example of a 35mm scan, try


This was Provia 100F again, same parameters as above except ICE turned off.
The scan seems significantly better than scans made previously on the

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