Tris writes:

> Good images, Anthony.


> May I ask what "monitor compensation" is and
> how I can find this switch inside of PS v6?

In PS 5.x for Windows, it's in the Preferences | RGB Settings dialog.  When
turned on, it uses an ICC profile for your monitor (which you set up with
Adobe Gamma, included with PS) to adjust colors in images to match your
monitor, so that you see colors as they are really being recorded in the
image.  I don't know if this changed in PS 6.x and beyond, and I'm not sure
that it exists on the Mac version, since the Mac has better color
synchronization capability built into the OS.

> Sorry, but I use Paint Shop Pro more than PS and
> the latter's still something of a mystery
> to me except for the obvious functions.

I don't believe that PSP has a similar function.

In any case, the difference is small in the examples given, so you aren't
missing very much.

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