Personally I prefer Nikonscan 3 to any scan driver I've used, especially for color negatives. With Nikonscan set up correctly for color management you may be amazed at color neg scan quality just using Nikonscan's defaults. PhotoCal and Spyder aren't that expensive, why not do it?
Dave ----- Original Message ----- From: "Tomek Zakrzewski" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent: Thursday, May 30, 2002 3:03 PM Subject: [filmscanners] VueScan vs. SilverFast with negs Within several days I'm going to buy a film scanner (LS-4000ED) finally. I can buy it with or without SilverFast bundled (of course the price difference is considerable). Do I really need this software? I know VueScan quite well, I use it with my Agfa Arcus 1200 flatbed scanner, I I appreciate many of it's qualities, I can even live with its user interface :-) But putting UI aside, I'm most interested in the capabilities of those programmes in delivering good scans from negatives. As I haven't tried VS in this respect I can't judge how it works. Does anybody have experience with both VS and SF+NegaFix in scanning color negs? Are the profiles in NegaFix superior to VS's profiles? And another question having its roots in my lack of real experience with filmscanners: Will I be able to deliver professional quality scans (mostly from slides) without calibrated monitor, IT-8 and so on, relying only on my common sense and knowledge of scanning rudiments? I have a friend who can give me for scanning 50-100 slides which he uses then in a printed magazine. Being careful and 'tidy' with what I have, can I fullfil professional's demands or must I invest in calibration equipment? I personally always had the feeling that without calibration one can get at least 90% of the 'ultimate" quality. What confirms my feeling is my experience with a scanning bureau with LS-8000ED, Silverfast+Negafix, Silverfast HDR and IT-8 calibration. Every time I used this bureau I had to tweak the scans in Photoshop's levels, curves and color balance a little. Never was I able to use the scan without any correction. Regards Tomasz Zakrzewski ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------ Unsubscribe by mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED], with 'unsubscribe filmscanners' or 'unsubscribe filmscanners_digest' (as appropriate) in the message title or body ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Unsubscribe by mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED], with 'unsubscribe filmscanners' or 'unsubscribe filmscanners_digest' (as appropriate) in the message title or body