Tomek Zakrzewski wrote:

>I know VueScan quite well, I use it with my Agfa Arcus 1200 flatbed scanner,
>I I appreciate many of it's qualities, I can even live with its user
>interface :-)
>But putting UI  aside, I'm most interested in the capabilities of those
>programmes in delivering good scans from negatives. As I haven't tried VS in
>this respect I can't judge how it works.
>Does anybody have experience with both VS and SF+NegaFix in scanning color
>negs? Are the profiles in NegaFix superior to VS's profiles?
I'm using SF frequently with my Polaroid SS4000 and I have also used the
trial version of VueScan for comparison.
- SF is pretty good but I'm not impressed by Negafix. For example it
screwed up big time on a Fuji NPS 160 scan - I had to use the generic
profile (and that was acceptable). Also, on several occasions it
produced a "combed" histogram which looked really weird.
- SF's interface is a nightmare. I'm a software engineer myself so I
think I know what I'm talking about ...
- Recently I have learned quite a bit about Photoshop and now I'm only
using SF to get a roughly corrected scan which I'm later adjusting in PS.
- VueScan - as I said I have only used it for a few times, mainly to try
to compare the results with the SF scans. In general I got very flat
images, even after adjusting the levels in PS the scans were still a
little too flat for my taste. Many people on this list however like the
results from Vuescan.


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