on 6/12/02 9:33 AM, Austin Franklin wrote:

> Which is true...as he says "as seen by the scanner"...and, some people take
> that to mean  that slide film has more dynamic range, but the slide film in
> fact has less dynamic range than negative film, though slide film does have
> a higher density range.

Could you elaborate on that? Since slide film has the greater density range
than neg film, by your definition the only way it would have a lower dynamic
range would be if it's "noise" were higher. What would constitute that
noise? What has you say slide film has more noise than neg?

Neg film has a flatter response curve than slide film, thus less contrast,
and thus, the ability to contain a greater scenic luminosity range, but does
low contrast in and of itself mean higher dynamic range? Taken to the
extreme, low contrast holds few tones - the opposite of DR. So please
explain what you base your assertion on.


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