
I'm sorry if my reference to "someone like Art" has upset you; it was not
intended to do so - quite the opposite in fact, as it was really a
compliment to your experience and knowledge. I said it to Brian to contrast
my relative inexperience in serious photography with people like you and
Brian who obviously have far more experience than I do. But one of the main
things you learn in becoming a scientist is to question everything. That is
not to say that I think that you are wrong in your statements about the
relative merits of diffuse and collimated light sources in scanners - you
may well be right (and Austin says you are), but I want to know why it works
the way you both say it does. So I will read and re-read your comments, and
those of Austin and Brian, and follow up Brian's references (and any that
you may have that throws further light - collimated of course - on the

Respectfully yours,

Bob Frost.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Arthur Entlich" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Oh, so I've become the "someone like" reference now, eh?


If you think my intent here is to mislead or just give uneducated
opinions with no forethought or research, just ignore them.  I have
found that the vast majority of people who have followed my advice in
regard to scanner decisions have been expressed to me that they were
better off for it, but I can't provide you with scientific evidence of
that, sorry.

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