Hi Paul,

> JPEG and TIFF both store horizontal and vertical dots per inch in their
> headers.

Yep, but in TIFF the tag is called "resolution", not "DPI"...

> GIF and BMP don't. I haven't checked other formats, but I expect
> any modern format do.

Do they store image dimensions, like inches?  They must, since when I read
in a .bmp file, it knows the exact image size (and resolution).  Hum.  Are
you sure .bmp files don't store resolution?  The image I read into PS was
509 x 761 pixels...at 72 PIXELS/inch...and the dimensions were 7.069 x
10.569...obviously, the 72 is a much rounder number to store ;-)

Yes, this stuff is REALLY esoteric...



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