Roger writes:

> I did not know that, in spite of being an
> european myself...

Many Europeans do not know that they are making far too little money for the
work they do and are paying far too much for goods and services.  That in
itself is not surprising.  The weird thing is that, of those who _do_ know,
most think it is just fine; they seem to equate a decent standard of living
with evil, or something.  In any case, their (voluntary) loss is the United
States' gain.

> ... here in Spain I am paying 3.00 Euro
> per E-6 (or C-41) 120 processing (2 hours).

Is this a pro lab, or a so-called consumer lab?

I haven't found any non-pro labs that develop 120 here in Paris, although
there might be some, somewhere.  I certainly wouldn't mind getting it
developed for ¤3 a pop.

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