Roger writes:

> Ya, I understood later, moreover seeing that
> he was talking about Paris -probably the most
> expensive city in the known universe :-))

Actually, Paris is not that high on the list.  Major American cities, Tokyo,
and London (as well as possibly Zurich) are more expensive.  This is true
even with respect to average income, although French incomes are distributed
in a very non-American way, with highly-paid management making far more than
regular employees as compared with the same ratios in the U.S. (i.e., the
lowest people on the French totem pole are paid dirt, and the highest people
are paid like royals).

But getting back to photography ...

> I really didn't know about that, not being
> involved yet in stock agency photography ...

I've heard that some agencies won't even sell certain stock photos to
customers in France, simply because the jurisprudence in France is so
unfavorable to photographers, agencies, and publishers.

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