At 5:06 PM -0400 9/27/02, Brian wrote:
>Is the glass replaceable? Anti-Newton ring glass does exist. Darkroom
>enthusiasts often use it when they sandwich their negatives between glass in
>enlarger negative carriers.
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>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Anthony Atkielski" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Thursday, September 26, 2002 8:51 PM
>Subject: [filmscanners] Avoiding Newton rings
>I use the glass 120 film holder on my LS-8000ED because I need to be able to
>hold the film flat, however, I have a lot of trouble with Newton rings.  The
>weird thing, though, is that some images have multiple instances of the
>rings, and others have none.  This implies that the rings are not inevitable
>when scanning, only common ... so there must be a way to avoid them.  What
>causes the rings on some images but not on others, and what can I do to
>avoid them when preparing and loading the film?

It comes with anti-Newton glass. As is typical, one surface has the
very fine grain of typical anti-Newton glass; you just have to make
sure the backing faces this glass. The emulsion side of film is very
slightly uneven, and will not cause Newton rings (there are a very
few, specialized films with a nearly shiny emulsion side, but they
are not normal photographic items). If you put the film in upside
down, you put the shiny base side against the regular glass, and
Newton rings are almost unavoidable. If you put the film and holder
in correctly, the scanning takes place through the clear glass so
there is no image degradation; dust is then the only concern. I
haven't had Newton rings yet.

    *            Henning J. Wulff
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