Hear! Hear!  Very well put Mario.  I secpond the emotion.

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Mario Teixeira
Sent: Tuesday, September 23, 2003 7:34 AM
Subject: [filmscanners] Re: Bored and Listless? (was RE: tantrums)


With all the respect for all the positions , I couldn't pass without a
comment on your post:

1) Tony, you did and are still doing an extraordinary work.
2) I completely aggree with your analysis (except, of course, that it is
your fault).
3) The fault is from all the list members (me included) and it is not a
fault -- all we are humans and I never met a person (including me in the
mirror, MY mirror  :-)    ) without qualities and defects.
4) I much appeciate your no policeman attitude.
5) I couldn't pass without stressing that the big, big part of what I know
about filmscanning and related and sometimes not so related but very useful
aspects came from your site (the first I studied) and from this list, that
helped me to choose my scanner, to overcome the initial problems and here
and there during the last years. It was there that I learned what to search
and study in other sites and books.
6) It is a fact that there is less to say about filmscanning, as it happens
with the evolution of all the technologies (CD-R, for instance).
7) I will respect and understand whatever you will decide. Speaking for me,
I still search everyday the posts, I read some and don't read the others.
8) Even if you decide to close the list (and I hope that you do not do it
yet), the list and you will remain in our hearts, I am sure.

Finally, my first purpose is to put a very loud interference in the
signal-to-noise ratio   :-)    that makes you feel VERY VERY PROUD for all
you have done (and you are still doing, and I hope you will go on doing) for
the list and for all of us.

Warmest regards for all the list menbers and specially to you.

Mario Teixeira

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