>I can now see no way to rescue this list from terminal decline except
>moderated posting, or at least zero-tolerance moderation. I simply don't
>have the time or energy for either, even if I did want to play policeman,
>which I don't.

It's been tedious lately, but I think it's worth keeping.

>All I can suggest is ignoring/deleting posts you can't be bothered with, or
>killfiling contributors. Unfortunately that won't leave much useful
>content, for all the reasons given.

There are times I don't need much useful content!

>I am considering closing the list entirely, as filmscanning is now just
>another tool in the box. As such, the Prodig list, or various other lists
>or forums, may support better-balanced debate.

I'm not sure how large a fraction of the subscribers value the debate
function. I sometimes enjoy it, at least when the participants are in
lecture mode and I learn something. When insults start to be traded,
I start deleting the thread.

>Tony Sleep - http://www.halftone.co.uk

And mine to you, Tony. I have to go away for ten days or two weeks
and wanted to say thanks now, both to you and to others on the list
who've helped me, in case the list is gone when I get back.

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