> You aren't alone in being unhappy about the loss of the slow films: Zeiss
> complains that they can't brag about as much lens resolution any more. If
> you are already using a tripod, you could try 645 or 6x7. I'd think that
> Fuji 100F films in 645 would look at least as good as K25 in 35mm at

The problem is that my work is mostly done in remote parts of the Himalaya.
It's a hassle to get even 35mm equipt to such places, let alone medium
format. And I have to carry a recording rig as well, since I'm documenting
the music of the communities I visit. I hope to be in Sikkim this coming
Autumn, lots of thangkas to be photographed.

> Does Agfa still make RSX (ISO 50)?

I'll have to look into this. Is it virtually grainless, like K25?

> *: http://www.fujifilm.co.jp/ppg/datasheet/163AR094B.pdf
> I see what may be going on: Astia 100F is ISO 32 under tungsten using a
> wratten 80A filter.

Most frustrating. This pdf is Japanese only.

Salutations, David Lewiston

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