Arthur Entlich wrote:

> And even if a neg was to get scratched or damaged, that is repairable.
> However, a slight scratch on a CD may make it completely unreadable.

Note that there are software utilities for reading CD's that have
errors to extract the files anyway.  One I've seen (can if config'd)
ask you (over and over again) if you want to try and re-read the
data-block (within the file) that errored.  Ad-infinitum.  Even if
an error persists, you can still extract files with those errors
in them, so one may still have a photo but with a blotch in the
file (like a scratch, with severity depending on data format,
error location, error size, etc).

Of course if the scratch is in the most inappropriate spot of the
CD, things could get harder.... I suspect. :-)

Mike K.

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