Brad and others,

Your expereince points to a tip I have heard elsewhere - keep your older
CD drive on hand to read old discs. I did so and am very thankful I did.
I have about 20 archived discs at work that our new computers will not
read. I am in the process of recopying them to new discs. I read them on
the old drive and burn new discs on the newer drives so that I can
access them as needed. I think this may become a common task. The
information from you, Art, and others may help in makeing the new copies
more reliable and useable in the future.

Jim Couch

Brad Davis wrote:

>I've been using CD's for archiving for at least 6 years.  When I started, I
>used an HP burner that worked at 2X.  It still works.  In fact, if a CD
>won't read on another burner or CD drive, it may read on the old HP.  This
>doesn't surprise me, running slower would seem likely to be more robust.

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