The Polaroid 120 is made by Microtek, and is discontinued as a Polaroid
product to the best of my knowledge.  If you are buying a "new" one make
sure there is still a warranty program for it.  Otherwise, look at the
Microtek version. Or perhaps you are considering used ones.

There were some minor problems with the film carriers.  Otherwise, the
unit was well rated.


Alex Z wrote:

> Hi.
> I've sent simialr query to teh list about a week ago, for soem weird
> reason it didn't appear in the list at all, so I repeat.
> Some time ago I ventured into MF with 6x7 stuff, but of course, stuck
> with scanning. I used to scan my 35mm material by my Nikon LS-40 and
> was pretty much satisfied (of course, there are always things left to
> be desired).
> Now, quality scanning by lab is extremely expensive which leads me to
> criminal thuoghts about robbing some bank and acquiring a good desktop
> scanner for quality home scanning convenience.
> Nikon LS-9000 seems to be not bad but quite expensive approaching 2k$.
> The otyher contenders are either Minolta Multi or Polaroid 120.
> I've though quite rave things about Polaroid being more capable in
> terms of real dynamic range then Nikon 8000, however have never seen
> one myself.
> I'll be grateful for our opinions and experiences regarding mboth
> Minolta and Polaroid.
> Regards, Alex

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