Does anyone have any thoughts or suggestions on the following issue:

I just did a scan of a Fuji Astia 6x7 slide  It is about 2/3'rds dark,
shadow and silhouette, one thirds correctly exposed, bright image
through a window (of sorts).  The scan was with the Nikon LS-8000 with
the glass film holder, set to 8x multi-pass scan, with a single CCD (so
it took forever, but should be good quality).  What I got was a scan
where some of the dark areas next to the bright areas got light
spill-over making them lighter.  It almost looks like a faint light leak
into the dark areas -- a slight fogging of the some of the dark areas.
It is especially evident above the window, with the seated figures, and
on the middle of the right edge of the image.  It is definitely NOT in
the slide.  You can see it here (depending on your monitor, some of it
might be hard to see):     Does
anyone know what causing this and how I can avoid it or stop it from

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