Hi,  Is this still happening to others, or is it just me?
I'm subscribed for individual messages, not the Digest. But apparently huge
digests are arriving at my server, big enough so they exceed my quota and get
bounced, but not before sitting there long enough to cause a lot of other bouncing

 This evening I pulled in 61 new messages; 20 of them were notifications that
messages had been bounced because they would exceed my quota; about 15 of the 20
were from <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> and 3 or 4 were from unrecognizable long
addresses; 2 were messages from people I would have liked to hear from... These
bounce-notifications are in a block, from about 12:30 AM to 11:30 AM this morning;
messages arrived successfully before and after that 11-hour dead space.

 Similar things have been going on almost every day for quite a while... My ISP
tells me, quite reasonably I guess, that they can't very well control what gets
sent to me, even if it causes a lot of trouble. They have checked the server and
don't see these huge troublemaker messages,... because they're big enough to get
bounced!! --eventually; and only after causing other messages to bounce too. It's
a bit of a Catch 22.

 Any suggestions how I can deal with this??? I'm tempted to unsubscribe for a
while until this blows over, but hesitating because of stories of some on this
list who tried to unsubscribe and only succeeded in making matters worse...

 Eager for any help...  Thanks,  Ch.S.
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