I could recommend 
Roberto Braccini's Practical Vocabulary of Music Atlantis/Schott Isbn

This one is also in 4 languages simultanously and quite cheap

«•»  -----Original Message-----
«•»  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Andrew Stiller
«•»  Sent: Thursday, May 23, 2002 4:08 PM
«•»  To: finale list
«•»  Subject: Re: [Finale] Who?
«•»  >
«•»  >>  I'd like to contact the person on the list who was 
«•»  compiling a  
«•»  >> multi-lingual dictionary of musical terms, but can't 
«•»  remember who it 
«•»  >> was.  Please drop me a note off-list.  Thanks!
«•»  >
«•»  >There already is such a dictionary, published by 
«•»  Bδrenreiter. I own it, 
«•»  >and could give you more details, but I am away from home 
«•»  until about 
«•»  >4th June.
«•»  >
«•»  >Johannes
«•»  It's called _Terminorum musicae index septem linguis 
«•»  redactus_, and 
«•»  is (or used to be) quite expensive. It was a considerable 
«•»  help to me 
«•»  when I was compiling the 4-language glossary in the back of my own 
«•»  book.
«•»  As I recall, it is not entirely free of error--but then, 
«•»  neither is 
«•»  my own glossary :-]
«•»  -- 
«•»  Andrew Stiller
«•»  Kallisti Music Press

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