On 1 Jun 2002, at 14:16, Harold Owen wrote:

> Schenker holds that the only really strong root movement is by 
> falling fifth (or rising fourth). The Plagal Cadence, however, in my 
> ear is also very strong. Much of Renaissance music treats the falling 
> fourth (or rising fifth) as if it is just as strong as the authentic 
> root movement. Pachelbel's Canon has falling 4ths until the final 
> cadence, a half cadence. The only authentic cadence comes at the very 
> end of the piece.
> I - V, vi - iii, IV - I, IV - V :||
> The sequences elevate the falling fourth for me.

I suspect that Schenker would actually parse the progression as:

  I , V - vi, iii - IV, I - IV - V :||

That means that it's not a falling 4th, but a deceptive resolution of a 
rising fourth.

The structural chords are I - vi - IV - V - I. The others are simply 
passing chords, subordinate to these structural ones.

David W. Fenton                         |        http://www.bway.net/~dfenton
David Fenton Associates                 |        http://www.bway.net/~dfassoc
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