On 22.06.2002 19:30 Uhr, Raimund Lintzen wrote

> Dear listers,
> what is the notation-standard?
> 1) same width for all Multimeasurement Rests, even when
> different numbers of measures (in mmrests) or different
> Time Signatures (in '1 measure-rests') are following each other
> or
> 2) the width of different Multimeasurement Rests
> differs to reflect its durations

I don't think there is a standard, but here is what I do:
If you have several mm-rests of different lengths following eachother, I try
to reflect the difference in lengths a little, but not much. Independent of
that I make a 40 measure rest visibly longer than a 2 measure rest. It helps
for reading.


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