You know that annoying "Are you sure?" warning that pops up when you try 
to apply a conflicting staff style to a region that already has one?  
You know how there's a box marked "Don't ask again" that you 
instinctively check so as not to be bothered by this popup ever again?  
Well, uh... once you've clicked that box, is there any way to get that 
annoying popup warning back?

I got burned because I use staff styles for woodwind doubles, and when 
copying from staff to staff I accidentally left "copy staff styles" 
checked and ended up copying the _transposition_ (from, say, clarinet to 
flute) as well as the notes.  Since I work in a concert score, I didn't 
notice the error until after I'd extracted parts, and it was a real pain 
to go back through the score and reapply the correct staff styles (and 
there was a _lot_ of instrument switching).  So I'd like turn the 
warning back on so I don't inadvertently overwrite one transposition 
with another ever again.

- Darcy

Boston MA

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