I don't think you understand the transposition properly then. It sounds as if you have set up the tenor sax staff so that when Display In Concert Pitch is NOT selected, they display in treble clef. If the concert key of the music is C, these should display in D. It sounds as if you have set them up properly with the Up a 9th transposition selected.
Are you entering the data with the Display in Concert Pitch selected? If so, you would enter the data on these staves in the bass clef. For example, you entered the second space bass clef C. When you deselect Display in Concert Pitch, so the score is showing transposed, this note would show as the D right above middle C of the treble staff. Is this not what is happening? As you describe it, it sounds as if it is displaying as an F. I just tried the following experiment to be sure things are still working as I had always found them to work: 1) create a staff, bass clef, set transposition to Up a 9th. Staff now displays in treble clef, key of D. 2) select Display Score in Concert Pitch. Staff now displays in bass clef, key of C. 3) I entered 4 half-notes, C, D, E, F beginning with 2nd space C. They appear as they should. 4) deselect Display Score in Concert Pitch. Staff now displays in treble clef, key of D, pitches shown are D, E, F#, G as they should be. I can't imagine what you did to get them to display an additional third higher than that. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > I just ran across something really peculiar. Dare I call it a "bug ?" > > Anyway, in this song file I have, two of the staffs are set up as tenor > saxes, which means they transpose up a 9th when notated. However, when I > switch between "display in concert" and otherwise, the transposition is an > 11th for those two staves. I think what is triggering this problem is that > the concert clef is BASS, whereas the notated clef for the instrument is > TREBLE. > > When I play back the file, the played pitches are correct. It is only the > transposed notation for the instrument that is not correct. Of course I > cannot use treble clef for the concert key, since practically all the notes > would be way below the staff. > > The extracted part is also wrong. Should I talk to Coda about this? They may > already know about it. I wouldn't know how to approach them, though. > > If you want to see the file, I can attach it and send it. I have Windows XP, > though, I hope it can go across the platform. > > Thanks; Tammy > _______________________________________________ > Finale mailing list > [EMAIL PROTECTED] > http://mail.shsu.edu/mailman/listinfo/finale > > -- David H. Bailey [EMAIL PROTECTED] _______________________________________________ Finale mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://mail.shsu.edu/mailman/listinfo/finale