On Monday, July 8, 2002, at 11:17  AM, Andrew Stiller wrote:

> Will the transpositions play back correctly if both staves are assigned 
> to a single MIDI channel?

> Is there any simple way that the volume of an individual staff can be 
> globally scaled upward or downward--that is, with all its dynamic 
> changes scaled up or down proportionally--compared to the other staves 
> in the piece?
The best way I have found is to use the MIDI tool to set the volume 
level (CC 7) for the whole staff before making any other volume 
adjustments for expressions.  I find it useful to set staves to a 
default volume of something lower than full (eg 96) so there is plenty 
of upward room for crescendi.
You might also play with lowering the key velocity for some instruments, 
as with many synth patches, a higher key velocity produces a more 
pronounced articulation.
If you want to scale everything because it is already in your score I 
believe (I'm not in front of Finale now--running OS X, and it's just not 
possible!!) that you can do a percentage-based reduction of CC 7 data.  
If not that, try a percentage reduction of key velocities for the whole 
staff, which I am certain is possible.

Tim Thompson

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