on 02.7.9 10:15 PM, Jari Williamsson at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> Richard Walker writes:
>> I just load my  orchestra into GigaStudio, open a new document,
>> choose my weapons, and away  I go
> Which is exactly what I can do in Finale as well
> Although you can't. Yet...

Well, I'm sure you'll enjoy yourself. In the meantime ...

> The MIDI implementation is very flexible IMO. But (out of the box) it hasn't
> any automation at all.

And MS-DOS was flexible too, but out of the box?
>> Trying desperately to remember what those good points were,
> Notation. Notation. Flexibility. Accuracy. The ability to be expanded.

Notation: I'm not an engraver, I'm a composer. I've heard people carp about
the fine points of engraving style in Sibelius, but to tell you the truth,
as long as my ideas are communicated accurately to the performers, I'm not
sure I care, and I'm not sure there is anything so horribly wrong in
Sibelius output that communication would break down.

Flexibility/Accuracy: This is debatable, especially the flexibility point.

Expandability: Sorry, but Sibelius has been kind enough to include an easy
scripting language that brings expansion within the realm of the ordinary
user who has neither the time nor the patience to master C++ before creating

Finale has a lot of catching up to do, and I say this as one who loves (used
to love?) the program.

Richard Walker
Yokohama, Japan 

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