Eric Richards asks:
>-Does one draw up some sort of generic "boilerplate" contract specifying
>the number of performances permitted by the rental fee?

A few years ago I attended a workshop on music technology given by a man
who had created both film scores and several household-word jingles.  When
we came in, he had a folder at each spot labeled "Standard Industry
Contract."  When we opened them, we found a blank piece of paper inside.
His point?  There IS no "standard contract."  List the things you want to
happen and the things you don't want to happen and take the list to an
attorney to draw up the actual document.

>-Does the end user return the set of score and parts to me? If not, how
>does it differ from purchase?

If not, it IS purchase!

Best of luck.


John & Susie Howell
Virginia Tech Department of Music
Blacksburg, Virginia, U.S.A. 24061-0240
Vox (540) 231-8411   Fax (540) 231-5034

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