Things I've been thinking about and compiling over the last couple of months
(in no particular order)

EXPRESSION TOOL - "Begin Playback" remembers previous choice (in a similar
fashion to "this staff only"), i.e. will still be set to "position in
measure" if chosen.

Also, a "no playback" effect underneath "position in measure" and "beginning
of measure" for individual expressions would be nice.

Executable shape should be scrapped and replaced with something inherently
more useable! :) (Out of interest, does anyone use this?)

TIME SIGNATURE - "Previous" and "Next" and "Apply" buttons so one could
change multiple time signatures in one go, without continually coming out of
the dialog box.

Additionally, if I change the "display as " time signature, then the check
box should automatically come on (as with "transposition" in the staff menu,
etc.) which it doesn't currently, and is really annoying when I forget, come
out of the time signtature window and realise I've not changed it correctly.

BOOKMARKS - accessible more readily (OK, Forza does this, but it would be
nice to be able to have a palette of bookmarks which one could click on)

TUPLETS - An old one.  The bracket angle and height should be somehow based
on the sum of all three notes (if its a triplet) rather than just the first.

Vertical offset for number as well as horizontal.  Additionally, this should
be accessible both in the "Change Tuplets" box as well as the individual
tuplet adjustment. so as to be able to adjust a region of tuplets rather
than just globally.

Would be nice to be able to still see MIDI info about hidden notes in other
layers.  See previous e-mails for plenty of info about how the MIDI tool
could be improved.  This IMO should be a priority for Coda.  Lot of mileage
in drastically improving the UI.  Perhaps more graphically oriented version
of "scale.."etc, though I understand this maybe doesn't suit everybody.

Additionally, an event list of some kind would be useful.  One of the
downfalls about the MIDI in Finale IMO is not being able to get information
about certain passages as a whole rather than just individual notes.

Mass Mover "Change Durations" should include an EDU text box, so that
tuplets can be altered

Partial Tuplets should copy correctly with MassMover tool, which they don't

"Change Articulation" box should have option to delete specific
articulation, while keeping others (e.g. "Change selected articulation to
selected articulation" or "Delete selected articulation"

PLAYBACK - An "Always Start at Bookmark..." option would be nice.

TOOLBARS - should not reshape when window is re-sized or start menu is
adjusted (Windows only).

ACCIDENTALS - Increased accidentals options.  I don't feel that Finale deals
so well automatically with atonal or highly chromatic scores, even with the
use of Cautionary accidentals (TG or otherwise).  Ideally an "Accidentals"
option in the options menu (and not just for spacing), whereby I can tell
Finale how to deal with them (e.g. show even on tied notes, or after
repeated notes).  This is far preferable to a plug-in.

CUT - Cut Function remembers last option, or has an option to stop asking
the same question over and over again (i.e."do not ask this question again")

Colin Broom, composer

----- Original Message -----
From: "Johannes Gebauer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Finale list" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, July 12, 2002 10:33 PM
Subject: [Finale] Finale wish list

> I am drafting a wish list to be send to Coda very soon. Perhaps some of
> will have additions? Please keep it realistic, though, I don't think
> that require a complete rework of Finale will have much chance anyway.
> Here is what I have so far:
> Bugs and problems to be fixed:
> - Fix grace note spacing to work (it never worked, so it's not really a
> - Fix independent time sig spacing
> Feature additions:
> - allow clef changes to appear after the clef/key/meter area at the
> beginning of a system, including in the very first measure of a file
> - better entry method for expressions (ie type into score)
> - autoplacing expressions
> - easier playback adjustment, ie playback of hairpins etc
> - part extraction to properly support title pages
> - engraver slurs avoid collisions with ties
> -the ability to customize keyboard commands (I know this can be done in
> Windows version, but in the Mac version this is virtually impossible due
> some very odd use of GUI elements.)
> - rudimentary support for house styles perhaps like this:
> more fields in the File Info (including some custom fields), plus an easy
> way to copy a complete file into a new template, including the new File
> fields (for standard textblocks), all music data (including clef changes,
> expression assignments etc), page breaks etc.
> --
> _______________________________________________
> Finale mailing list

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