At 7:30 AM -0400 7/15/02, David H. Bailey wrote:
>It appears right in my articulations selection panel (winfin2k3. . . slot 118.

Of course.  thanks!  Don't know why I missed it (probably because it was 1 AM)

>If this is what your client wants ABOVE the note, then you can 
>simply redefine the articulation assignment so that the flipped 
>symbol is used all the time.

No, it just happens that it's on two notes in the bass clef, where he 
wants that articulation under the note.  I don't think it's the 
appropriate mark, and that a simple >  or even _ would do it (It's a 
very lovely, very melodic piece, and to have a sudden v  in the bass, 
on one note, seems inappropriate to me, but mine is not to reason 
why. . .

By the way, am I hallucinating or are marcato markings like that 
unusual in piano music?  After half a century of looking at piano 
music, I don't remember seeing those, but I do remember (and find, 
now that I look) countless > marks, of course.  I use marcatos mostly 
in wind parts, but I don't think I've ever put one in a piano 
score.... live and learn, I guess.

Linda Worsley

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