On Saturday, July 13, 2002, at 07:58  AM, Andrew Stiller wrote:

[Johannes Gebauer]:

>>> I am drafting a wish list to be send to Coda very soon. 
>>> Perhaps some of you will have additions?

>> Just to clarify a bit: If others have additions or want to 
>> vote for the same
>> feature request as you're sending in, those persons should 
>> also send the
>> request to Coda themselves. Otherwise they will not be registered as
>> separate votes.

>> Jari Williamsson

> How about, when the list of requests is complete, posting the 
> final version to the list so we can duplicate it, edit it to 
> our individual tastes, and forward it to Coda? This is what 
> pressure groups do to lobby Congress, and it's a very effective 
> tactic.

I would like that as well Johannes.


p h i l i p @ v c n . b c . c a
h t t p : / / w w w . a k e r . c a /

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