On 14.07.2002 13:16 Uhr, David H. Bailey wrote

> Here is a situation that might throw a monkey-wrench into the concept of
> parts-anchored-to-score-file -- What would happen to the parts if you
> write out a full score only to get all the parts just as you wish, but
> then you don't want a full score anymore so you collaps it into a
> condensed score?

You would make the condensed score as a part of the main score file. The
whole point of the concept is that _every_ variant of your score can be
layed out in full inside the main file. Perhaps score file is an inadequate
name for it, it should be more like a project file.

However, I don't think this wish is a realistic one anyway. If Tobias is
working on a parts updater that would probably work for most people, while
the integration of such a "project concept" would require such a fundamental
rework of Finale that I personally have neither hopes nor interest that this
will be done before all the little and bigger notation problems and GUI
quirks have been solved to satisfaction.


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