David W. Fenton wrote:

> On 14 Jul 2002, at 7:16, David H. Bailey wrote:
>>Here is a situation that might throw a monkey-wrench into the concept of 
>>parts-anchored-to-score-file -- What would happen to the parts if you 
>>write out a full score only to get all the parts just as you wish, but 
>>then you don't want a full score anymore so you collaps it into a 
>>condensed score?
> Well, I don't see the issue, since right now you have the same set of 
> problems. That is, you can't produce the same parts from a condensed 
> score that you can from a full score.

That's right, but if the parts are included in (and linked to) the 
score, when that score gets changed to the condensed score, the parts 
linked to any deleted staves would be deleted as well, I would think. 
That's the way linking works in other programs -- if the source is 
altered or eliminated the result of the link is altered or eliminated, too.

Currently, I can create a full score, extract the parts, then change the 
full score, secure in the knowledge that the parts will remain as they 
are unless I edit each one individually (and intentionally.)

Somewhere along the way in this discussion the ability to save extracted 
parts to individual files was added to the concept, and as long as this 
option is included, then my objection is overcome.  As long as the 
resulting files are not linked in any manner.


> Well, you can control whether expressions appear in parts/scores, etc., 
> so I don't see why text blocks could not be handled the same way. Seems a 
> pretty minor issue to me.

How are expressions specified Score/Parts?  What have I missed? 
Currently when I assign an expression I can assign it to specific staves 
if I wish (as note attached expressions) or I can assign it to the 
entire score, and I can have measure-attached expressions show in the 
individual staves according to settings in the Staff Tool, but I don't 
see how I can specify an expression to appear ONLY in the parts or ONLY 
in the score?  And any measure expression I choose to assign to THIS 
STAFF ONLY will always appear in that particular staff unless I delete 
it or turn off the display of measure expressions altogether.

Again with text blocks, I can have ALL text blocks on specific pages be 
stripped when I extract parts, but I can't leave specific text blocks 
showing in the parts while omitting others.

I am sure that it would be possible to add score/parts options to any of 
the assignment dialogs for either expressions or text blocks, but I 
don't see how that happens now.

David H. Bailey

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