At 10:23 AM 07/15/02, Andrew Stiller wrote:
>The ability to copy a  text block (including the frame) from one
>location to another. This would not enable a block to appear on two
>discontinuous pages, but would also allow you to make a dupe and then
>edit the copy separately.

That does sound handy.

This reminds me of something else I found strange (though not at all a top
priority for me).  If I use cut from a text block, I can paste it into
another text block, but I can't paste it into a field in a dialog box.
Contrariwise, if I use cut from a dialog box, I can paste elsewhere in that
dialog box or any other, but not into a text block.  It's as if the two
each have their own separate cut-and-paste buffer.

Is this standard procedure under Mac OS?  It seems weird to me.

I encounter this problem because I have a client who likes to use those
Title and Composer fields under File Info.  Since the same two texts appear
on the title page, I always want to use cut and paste. But it doesn't work,
and I have to type each one twice.

It also means you can't cut from a text block and paste it in as text for
an expression, for example.

Again, it's not a big deal.  If typing the composer's name twice is the
worst inconvenience I run into in any hour of work, then I consider that a
bargain.  Still, it's odd that it can't be done.


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