At 11:58 AM 09/16/02, Henry Howey wrote:

>Now as I bring it cross-platform, the lyrics have DRASTICALLY shifted
>to the left; i.e., the first half (or more) of the first verse are
>not to be seen.
>Beyond re-doing it, are there any suggestions?

Well, as I just got finished saying in the response to David F, when lyrics
go screwy, I think the best approach is generally to clear them all out and
start over.

But since you ask, here's one thing you might try.  It's not entirely clear
from your post, but if I'm understanding correctly, it sounds like all of
your assignments are keying to several syllables two far down the list.  If
that's the case, you can fix it by adding dummy syllables to the front of
the list in the Edit Lyrics box.

For example, if your text is "Twin-kle, twin-kle, lit-tle star, how I
won-der what you are" and the first syllable that appears on your printout
is "der", then your assignments are off sync by 10 syllables.  If you
insert at the beginning of the Edit Lyric box so that it now reads "1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8 9 10 Twin-kle, twin-kle [...]"  etc, then you should be back on
track, as the file ignores the first 10 syllables and starts with the 11th

(By the way, if somewhere in the course of your editing of this file you
went into the Edit Lyrics box and deleted some extraneous text from the
beginning of your text, that would explain how you got off-sync in the
first place.)


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