Susan Lackman wrote:

> This is probably a "duh" questions, but -
> I wrote something for wind ensemble, and the score features very small
> staves.  There's a lot of space at the top and bottom of an 8-1/2 x 11
> sheet, but I don't know how to spread the score out.

I'd 1)  Select the "resize" tool (the percent sign), click to the right of
the staff, and change the percentage of "reduction", checking the box
labeled "resize vertical space"; then, if the space between staves was still
not what I desired, I'd select the staff tool, and using the handles that
appear on the staff, adjust the staff to the spacing desired.  If you want
to be more precise in spacing the staves, an easier option instead of
spacing with the handles, is to go to the staff menu, select "staff usage",
and adjust the spacing in that box.  [NB: What I usually do is to space the
first staff by means of the handle, then go to the menu, and copy the same
spacing to all of the other desired staves.]


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