I thought we had it to a degree -- in the print dialogue is a Print 
Display Colors checkbox.  I realize that the most colors one could use 
for printing actual notation is 4, so it isn't quite what somebody might 
want, but it IS available to a limited extent.

The ability to set different colors for each letter of a text box, as 
you can in some word processors, or mixing colors in expressions, or 
defining colors for separate sections of notes so we could use colors 
for analysis and print the results would be a neat option to be able to 
use, but as we have just seen, there are some basic areas of Finale 
which are still seriously broken, like the Lyrics tool, or making all 
tools work like the text Expressions tool or the articulation tool so 
that each copy of a single item like a Segno mark in the repeat tool 
will remain where it is placed, rather than like the shape expressions 
or the repeat tool, where a separate copy in the list is required to 
achieve individual placement.

Those need to be fixed before the use of color is addressed, in my 
opinion.  But I am certainly not averse to increasing the color 
capabilities at any time as long as those other issues are also addressed.

Dennis Bathory-Kitsz wrote:
> At 10:38 PM 9/19/02 -0400, ÉQ==ric Dussault wrote:
>>It makes me laugh when I see 2400 x 2400 inkjet
>>printer. The paper WILL absorb the ink and you will never have the level of
>>details of, let say a HP Laserjet 5000.
> The latter is generally true, but if you're printing high-quality inkjet
> images for (say) duplication in small quantities, it will probably be on
> non-absorbent coated paper. The imaging can be quite wonderful, plus you
> get very detailed color for purposes other than monochrome Finale scores.
> Speaking of which, when *are* we going to get color scoring in Finale?
> Dennis
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