On 27 Sep 2002 at 14:57, Mark D. Lew wrote:

> At 2:51 PM 09/27/02, Darcy James Argue wrote:
> > If that ever happens, I won't object to having blank notation set up
> >to hide items attached to notes by default -- but honestly, I suspect lots
> >of others will.
> I think it's worth noting here that the "default" we're talking about is a
> choice made in a staff style provided in the default document.  It's not
> some sort of default program behavior.

Because of the non-cascading nature of Finale documents (i.e., once 
the document is spawned from the template, it is completely 
disconnected from it), I would argue that settings in the default 
documents that come with a version of Finale are de facto program 
behavior. Why? Because absent the non-free plugin (that is not 
included with Finale) to transfer settings between documents, there 
is no easy way to migrate settings to existing documents.

This is why it is inadequate to me to simply claim that it is 
completely under use control because it is a document option.

Some have suggested on this list in recent memory that it is a good 
idea to take the time to recreate all your templates from scratch 
with each new version of Finale that you use. While I understand the 
reasoning behind that suggestion and the utility to be gained from 
it, it is a terribly inefficient aspect of Finale.

Of course, I've been arguing for cascading templates in Finale as 
long as I've been on this list.

David W. Fenton                 |       http://www.bway.net/~dfenton
David Fenton Associates         |       http://www.bway.net/~dfassoc

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