On Thu, 24 Oct 2002, "helgesen" wrote:

> left 1.0 Right 0.5. (Who
> decided these and why?)
> I adjust to 0.7 each side

Others have correctly answered your direct question. This response is a
tangential comment. First of all, check your math. The last time I checked, you
would need to change the margins to 0.75 on a side (not 0.7), if you didn't want
to affect your layout in this situation.

One of the purposes of my Page Mover plugin is to keep you from *having* to do
such math. In this case, the math is easy, but in many cases it's a pain in the
@!!#@, esp. if you want to change paper sizes too, or if you want a gutter
margin for binding.

Robert Patterson

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