On 31 Oct 2002 at 7:00, Phil Daley wrote:

> At 10/30/2002 02:51 PM, David H. Bailey wrote:
>  >Actually, not knowing how Macs operate internally I can't be sure, but
>  >on Windows systems, no matter how much memory the machine might have,
>  >there is still a small block reserved for actual program operation and
>  >OS overhead, and when that gets used and not returned to the system
>  >properly you get these messages.
> That is only in Win9x.
> That was removed in NT systems back in '95.

No, it was not removed. The size of the buffers was vastly increased, 
possibly even made dynamic.

You can get the "out of memory" or "not enough memory to update 
screen: please close some programs" message on Win2K (and you could 
get it on NT 4, too), just not nearly as often, and under much 
heavier load than in the Windows versions based on the Win9x kernel 
(Win95, Win98, WinME).

David W. Fenton                 |       http://www.bway.net/~dfenton
David Fenton Associates         |       http://www.bway.net/~dfassoc

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