Title: Re: [Finale] Staff name display
Do you mean on selected systems throughout the score or only on some pages? (i.e. measure 22-35...)
The first thing is possible by turning the staff name off, by double clicking the staff with the staff tool, and deleting or uncheckin the 'display staff name' check box (it should be called something like that, as I have the german version of Finale, I don't know the exact name of it).

Regards Nico
Nico Schliemann
Gitarre & Notensatz
Auf dem Rain 5
78224 Singen
Tel.: 07731-947437
Mobil: 0162-9427344

Betreff: [Finale] Staff name display
Datum: Mon, 25. Nov 2002 7:54 Uhr

Is there a way to turn off the staff name display on only selected systems? I'm working on a score for a composer who sometimes uses one singer's staff for another singer's part.

Linda Cummings
Allegro Music Services

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