le 12/7/02 4:23 AM, Jari Williamsson à [EMAIL PROTECTED] a
écrit :

> What is, in harp notation, the "correct" notation symbol to use for stopping
> the sound from the harp.
> The sources I have differ: Some say it looks like a perfect circle with a
> cross (where the lines of the cross extend somewhat beyond the circle).
> Others say it should be the same as the "coda" sign.

Kurt Stone shows that the right symbol is the circle with the cross. I do
agree without hesitation because of the confusion that can be made by using
a Coda sign. If there are any chances that Coda sign and stopping the sound
symbol co-exist in a piece, this is already more than enough for me to avoid
using the same symbol. Remember that because there is no such symbol in
Coda's default fonts (Maestro or Petrucci), it is possible that music has
been published using the most ressembling symbol that could be found.

just my 2 ¢ (CAN)

Eric Dussault

p.s. it is indeed available in Maestro Percussion and Engraver Font Extra
(both shift-p)

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