Zero wrote:
You have nothing to divide. You are not dividing.
You have ZERO.

This is artfully simplistic thinking. However, it is patently illogical and
theoretically unsound.

Logically, one cannot "have," meaning "possess," the content of a null set.
An empty can is a container of emptiness. You may have the can, but not the
content. You can not divide what you cannot *have.*

Theoretically speaking, zero (and I'm not referring to the author) is a
"concept." As such it is not measurable *except* in *relation* to real
numbers. It is merely a place holder conveying in *symbolic* terms that
there is no presence of measurable quantity in its own set. One cannot
divide anything that cannot be measured.

oh well, there it is......

Owner of the biggest damn null set this side of the Mississippi

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